The Lyric is delighted to be working in partnership with Bridport Arts Centre on Bridport…
Puppet Club Returns!

Over the course of five sessions, the Lyric’s resident puppet maker extraordinaire Holly Miller will show you how to make your very own puppet, upstairs in The Lyric’s fantastic puppet making workshop. Using recycled materials – papers, masking tape, papier maché, fabrics, paints, buttons, etc – Puppet Club invites you to let your imagination run riot and create your own animal or person to take home at the end of the course.
All materials are included in the course fee, which is usually £45. Accompanying adults (for under 10s) are free. Puppet Club courses will be listed under our ‘What’s On’ and if you’re on our mailing list you’ll be notified in advance. The courses usually take place 5-6:30pm on Mondays, and are always during term time. There are limited places each time so please ensure you book early to avoid disappointment.